We Are Heading North

Hard to keep up with time as we are sailing 24/7 with 4 hours shift during the night, but we are really making progress. Not long after I went to sleep after my last shift yesterday, we passed Lindesnes. Lindesnes is the most southern point of Norway and to go north you have to go south around Lindesnes first. Check google maps and you'll see what I mean. That means our direction is now north and we have passed places like Stavanger, Haugesund and Karmoy. That means Bergen is within reach in not very long. Think we are gonna stop by a small island called Bomlo before we hit Bergen though. Looks like Elias is going to take a look at a car, so that should be interesting. I'm just looking forward to set foot on land again. Even though we only have been on the boat for four days, it's going to be nice get some space around me. Other than that things are really good. The weather is awesome, we've been sailing almost all the time the last 24 hours and the mood in the group is in general pretty great. In other words, good times all around! Just lying in bed now, which is an awesome double bed btw, and going to read my book and just chill out for a while. Just got off my shift that lasted from 4am, same as yesterday, so even though it's bluebird and no wind outside, a couple of hours in bed won't hurt. 

Kind of limited how much interesting shit I can write from a sailboat that just cruises along the Norwegian coast, but I will come back later with an update if something crazy happens. I'll probably come back later no matter what happens actually. 

In the meanwhile, check out the pictures from the last day here at sea in Springer II, as the boat is called.  


Classic south of Norway landscape. Windmills and shit! 

Classic south of Norway landscape. Windmills and shit! 

Elias and Stephan kicking back yesterday afternoon. 

Elias and Stephan kicking back yesterday afternoon. 

The Captain!  

The Captain!  

Boaty McBoatface passing us in the sunset yesterday!  

Boaty McBoatface passing us in the sunset yesterday!  

The sun is rising on the west coast of Norway during the last hours of my shift this morning.

The sun is rising on the west coast of Norway during the last hours of my shift this morning.

Elias doing his morning routine. 

Elias doing his morning routine. 

First swim on the trip!  

First swim on the trip!  

Keeping it cool! 

Keeping it cool! 

Epic breakfast this morning!  

Epic breakfast this morning!  

Thnks for reading and watching! I'll be back with more later so stay tuned.

Peace and Love!